
GⅡR Advertising Media Communications

GIIR is Korea's first holding company specialized in advertising and marketing communications. It was established in 2004 through the spin-off of LG Ad, a full-service advertising company established in 1984, into GIIR, an advertising holding company, and LG Ad (currently HS Ad), a subsidiary.


As a holding company specialized in advertising and marketing for LG Group affiliates, we have HS Ad, LBEST, and a number of subsidiaries engaged in advertising and marketing in major overseas markets and support them to achieve steady performance in advertising business.

The subsidiaries of GIIR share a common corporate vision:"The Difference"

We will be an advertising company that truly impresses customers and reshapes society through differences in strategy, creative, and channels.


We also fulfill our role as a trustworthy company in society by contributing to the advancement of the industry by promoting industry-academia cooperation, establishing fair trade practices, and donating advertisement ideas to society.